Home Coming (Graphic Novel): A story about how a strong earthquake affects a family with "left-behind" children in Weinan, Shaanxi Province, China.
Follows a family impacted by a major earthquake in central China, where the deadliest recorded earthquake occurred in 1556. This version, in graphic novel format, is for non-technical readers including rural families and youth. There is a separate more technical version for public officials and decision makers (see below).
Home Coming (Technical): A story about how a strong earthquake affects a family with "left-behind" children in Weinan, Shaanxi Province, China.
Follows a family impacted by a major earthquake in central China, where the deadliest recorded earthquake occurred in 1556. This more technical version for public officials and decision makers. There is a separate version, in graphic novel format, for non-technical readers including rural families and youth (see above).
Towards a Safer Bajhang: A Magnitude 7.8 Earthquake Scenario and Steps to Build Disaster Resilience
Details how a plausible disaster would impact the district and how to improve resilience. A storyline follows local characters and includes practical lessons to prepare. Bajhang Appendices contain detailed technical findings of use to local decision makers as they manage safe growth and plan disaster response.
Towards a Safer Dadeldhura: A Magnitude 7.8 Earthquake Scenario and Steps to Build Disaster Resilience
Details how a plausible disaster would impact the district and how to improve resilience. A storyline follows local characters and includes practical lessons to prepare. Dadeldhura Appendices contain detailed technical findings of use to local decision makers as they manage safe growth and plan disaster response.
Protective Actions Implementation Workbook
This workbook follows the steps to implement a messaging program about what to do during earthquake shaking given the local risk, building types, and other factors. This is a companion to Guidance on Developing Messages for Protective Actions to Take During Earthquake Shaking.
Towards a Safer Rukum (West): A Magnitude 7.8 Earthquake Scenario and Steps to Build Disaster Resilience
Details how a plausible disaster would impact the district and how to improve resilience. A storyline follows local characters and includes practical lessons to prepare. Rukum (West) Appendices contain detailed technical findings of use to local decision makers as they manage safe growth and plan disaster response.
Guidance on Developing Messages for Protective Actions to Take During Earthquake Shaking
What people should do during earthquake shaking, to protect themselves from injury or death? It depends. Evidence-based guidance describes a process and key considerations for creating effective messages for different contexts.
Background Papers and Supplementary Technical Information: Guidance on Developing Messages for Protective Actions to Take During Earthquake Shaking
Epidemiology of Deaths and Earthquake Injuries,
Protective Action in Immediate Fuse Events: a Literature Review,
Designing Risk Communication Programs to Promote Adaptive Human Behavior During Earthquakes and Tsunamis,
On the Nature of Strong Ground Motions during Damaging Earthquakes,
Understanding and Mitigating Building Collapses,
Public perceptions of protective action, survey in three countries,
Summary of discussions with an international group of disaster messaging professionals
Conceptual Seismic Design Guidance for New Framed Infill Buildings
This manual for engineers and designers explains how the building type known as concrete-frames-with-masonry-infill-walls can be designed and built for greater seismic safety. Around the globe, this common building type has been lethal in earthquakes. Five affordable strategies are presented.
Field Manual: Post-Earthquake Safety Assessment for Buildings, ATC-20-1 Bhutan
Royal Government of Bhutan, Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery, The World Bank; Applied Technology Council Endowment Fund. A detailed reference for engineers to use after an earthquake occurs, when they must evaluate thousands of buildings and determine whether these are safe to occupy. Features damages common to masonry and rammed-earth building types in Bhutan. For sale through Applied Technology Council:
Seismic Hazard and Building Vulnerability in Post-Soviet Central Asian Republics
A compilation of current seismic and engineering data on the seismic hazard of the capitals of the Central Asian republics available in the English language. It comes to the conclusion that the risk to residents of these cities is extremely high.
Bir Hospital Assessment Report, Nepal
A seismic assessment of Bir Hospital, a tertiary referral and teaching hospital run by the National Academy of Medical Sciences. Bir's disaster preparedness is a high priority because it offers numerous medical specialties, serves as a center for disaster response, and provides care for Kathmandu’s poor and a large number of people.
Reducing Earthquake Risks in Hospitals from Equipment, Contents, Architectural Elements and Building Utility Systems
Shows how to equip hospitals to function in a disaster: plan for backup utilities, find and mitigate vulnerabilities in the buildings, and secure objects that could topple and cause injuries in an earthquake. Intended for hospital administrators, engineers, and maintenance staff.
Additional Resources
School Earthquake Safety and Preparedness – Course Materials developed for India
A program to reduce school earthquake risks and to educate students, faculty, and parents about earthquake preparedness. Developed for India schools and applicable elsewhere.
Teacher Sensitization: Instructor Guide
A Culture at Risk: An Initial Assessment of Seismic Vulnerabilities in Upper Dharamsala, India
Earthquake vulnerabilities endanger the Tibetan community’s efforts to preserve its cultural heritage in Dharamsala. Recommended improvements to protect the Library of Tibetan Works and Archives (LTWA) and other structures.
Seismic Safety for Adobe Homes: What Everyone Should Know
Adobe is brittle and weak and vulnerable to earthquake damage. Techniques described are intended to 1) reduce damage to adobe homes in small and medium earthquakes, and 2) help reduce collapse of adobe homes in earthquakes. They MAY NOT PREVENT COLLAPSE in a strong earthquake.
Global Earthquake Safety Initiative (GESI)
Technical information about likely lethality of earthquakes in 21 cities-- including vulnerable aspects of the built environment, schools and hospitals. The model alerts and helps the cities prioritize risk mitigation efforts, with special attention to strengthening school buildings.
Risk Assessment Tools for Diagnosis of Urban Areas against Seismic Disasters (RADIUS)
Earthquake damage scenarios and action plans in nine case-study cities: Latin America (Antofagasta, Guayaquil, Tijuana); Asia (Bandung, Tashkent, Zigong); Africa, the Middle East and Eastern Europe (Addis Ababa, lzmir and Skopje). Lessons could be applied to other earthquake-prone cities. See separate case studies of Tijuana, Mexico; Antofagasta, Chile; and Guayaquil, Ecuador.
RADIUS Project of Antofagasta, Chile
A scenario of a hypothetical but likely earthquake, based on a probabilistic seismic risk, shows vulnerabilities that put people in danger and the likely damage to buildings and infrastructure. Includes an Action Plan to reduce these risks. See also the RADIUS overview report of nine cities at risk.
Kathmandu Valley Earthquake Risk Management Action Plan
GeoHazards International convened more than eighty government and non-government institutions to develop an earthquake mitigation Action Plan, which was released and endorsed by the Prime Minister of Nepal in 1999. See also Kathmandu Valley’s Earthquake Scenario.
Kathmandu Valley’s Earthquake Scenario
This report describes possible impacts of a potential earthquake to impact Kathmandu Valley, Nepal. The description is intended for use in planning and preparedness exercises and in raising awareness of Kathmandu Valley’s earthquake risk. See also Kathmandu Valley Earthquake Risk Management Action Plan.
RADIUS Case Study Guayaquil, Ecuador
A scenario of a hypothetical but likely earthquake, based on a probabilistic seismic risk, shows vulnerabilities that put people in danger and the likely damage to buildings and infrastructure. Includes an Action Plan to reduce these risks. See also the RADIUS overview report of nine cities at risk.
RADIUS Case Study Tijuana, Mexico
A scenario of a hypothetical but likely earthquake, based on a probabilistic seismic risk, shows vulnerabilities that put people in danger and the likely damage to buildings and infrastructure. Includes an Action Plan to reduce these risks. See also the RADIUS overview report of nine cities at risk.
Investing in Quito ’s Future
A description of the Quito, Ecuador school earthquake safety project, which prioritized high risk school buildings and presented solutions to strengthen them.
The Quito, Ecuador Earthquake Risk Management Project
Quito has experienced several strong intensity earthquakes over the last 250 years. Seismic risk has increased with population growth, poorly constructed buildings, and uncontrolled development. This report describes effects of future earthquakes and prioritizes risk management options.
Uses of Earthquake Damage Scenarios
An earthquake damage scenario (EDS) describes the anticipated effects that a large but likely future earthquake could have on facilities that are critical to an urban area. By tracing the social and economic events likely to ensue, the EDS can raise awareness of earthquake risk among citizens, officials, and the private sector. It can also help administrators to select earthquake-hazard-reduction strategies and set funding priorities. Part I: Uses of EDS. Part II: EDS for Los Angeles and Tokyo. Part III: EDS for Disaster Management. Part IV: EDS for International Insurance Companies. Part V: EDS methods.
Keeping Schools Safe in Earthquakes
A process for nations to develop an effective school earthquake safety program, prepared for Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).
Documentation of Traditional Housing Typologies in India in High Seismic Areas
2009-2010 - GeoHazards Society, with Indian Institute of Technology, Hyderabad (IITH), studied whether the traditional housing typologies used by the community in high seismic prone areas are strong enough to resist the anticipated intensity of earthquakes in the region.