If you walk the rocky road to school with a child in Nepal's west, you'll know that it takes awhile. Something else you should know about these rugged hills: a powerful earthquake is poised to rupture. We're working there to help people prepare.

On the way to school in mid-west Nepal's middle hills. Photo: Lalrinpuii Tlau
Scientists think that mid-west and far west Nepal is due for a very big earthquake, perhaps five times stronger than the 2015 earthquake in central Nepal. One of our tasks is to explain, through scenarios, what would happen. We'll also advise districts how to plan for better outcomes.

In Jumlikhalanga, mid-west Nepal, buildings lack earthquake resistant features. Photo: Janise Rodgers
For example, most buildings in the region are made of unreinforced masonry and concrete. These can turn lethal during heavy shaking. We'll introduce ways to guide safer development, and we'll show how to make homes, schools and hospitals resistant to earthquakes.

GHI's Dr. Janise Rodgers and colleague Pranav Sethi check reinforcement for a concrete column in Pyuthan Jhumri. Photo: Lalrinpuii Tlau
Before the big earthquake comes, we're there to train local engineers and masons, coach district officials, prepare students. The goal is for local people to develop skills to manage their risk, and to act while they have a choice.

Photo: Lalrinpuii Tlau
Some might say they have a long road ahead. They do. Disaster Preparedness is always a good investment, even more so for people who stand to lose everything. GeoHazards International's work in far west and mid-west Nepal is part of Promoting Agriculture, Health and Alternative Livelihoods (PAHAL), a program overseen by Mercy Corps and funded by United States Agency for International Development. And thanks to your support, we are able to advance and advocate programs like this.