In the thin-aired Andean village of Chocos, Peru, a mason named Felix once told us, “Here, we have a poverty of knowledge, not of things.”
GeoHazards International worked with Felix and his neighbors to adapt their adobe construction practices and improve earthquake safety of Chocos’ school and homes. This collaboration fueled them with valuable, practical knowledge they did not have before.

Chocos villagers rebuild their school, the day's construction briefing by GHI's Veronica Cedillos.
At root, GeoHazards International empowers ordinary people to do great things. You, as a supporter, understand. Your gifts uplift communities.
I understand too. After leading a structural and earthquake engineering research and development organization for 35 years, I recognized the urgency and significance of GeoHazards International’s work and joined its Board of Trustees.
That’s why I am writing to you today about our WeCare2019 Campaign. Corporate sponsors and our Board of Trustees have generously stepped forward with a challenge: Donate to GeoHazards International by May 31, and your gift will be matched, dollar-for-dollar, up to $65,000.
The vast majority of world disaster aid goes to reactive measures that cope with tragedy, but our approach is proactive. We go to work before a disaster strikes. With your support, we make it possible to be safer in the first place.
Please join us in our WeCare2019 challenge, and build strength where there is a poverty of knowledge. You can donate securely online at, or mail a check to the address on the same page.
On behalf of our worldwide team and all the people we serve, I thank you for generously supporting hazard mitigation in the planet’s most vulnerable communities.

Christopher Rojahn Chair, Development Committee GeoHazards International Board of Trustees
P.S. Give by May 31 and your donation will be matched dollar-for-dollar up to $65,000, thanks to these generous firms: