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Giving Ahead of Disasters Saves Lives

Updated: Dec 29, 2021

The news often highlights increasingly severe disasters, but I want to share a different kind of story. It’s about people who have been building resilience to disasters—a long story, our story. And you are a part of it.

For three decades, GeoHazards International has been working with underserved communities threatened by earthquakes, tsunamis, landslides, and, more recently, climate change. We’re on the ground ahead of disasters, when losses can still be prevented. And over the years, we have adapted to better serve alongside communities.

We now have local team members in six countries, leading work in their own communities. They’re giving voice to their people and building trusted relationships, which enables steady and effective action.

You can hear from some of them directly in this video:

Donations like yours make a big difference. Your gifts invest in people and communities, creating a lasting impact and a safer future.

You can contribute at Your donation will be matched up to $60,000 through December 31, thanks to a generous challenge grant put together by our Board of Trustees.

Disasters are on the rise worldwide, and they continue to disproportionately affect those with fewer resources. With your support, we will continue to work toward a future in which all people are protected and prepared ahead of natural hazard events and climate impacts.

With deep gratitude,

Veronica Cedillos, President & CEO

GeoHazards International

Bhutan · Dominican Republic · Haiti · India · Nepal · U.S.A.



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